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Fact 1:
68% of your customers will go to your competitors simply because you don't communicate with them.

To make a profit, your company depends on people spending their money with you! So why don’t most businesses treat their customers like human beings?

We like to be made to feel good about what we do and who we are. We’re social animals and so it’s in our nature to spend more time dealing with the people who do just that.

Simply keeping in touch with your customers by sending them a well-written letter at least once every 3 months sends them a powerful message and lets them know that you value them and want to see them again. Remember you want to build a RELATIONSHIP with them – and there’s no better way to do this than by communicating with them.

…And no better way of ruining that relationship than by weeks …and months of silence.


Fact 1 Fact 2 Fact 3 Fact 4 Fact 5


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